Funeral Services
We work together with Al-Muwassat to provide help an support to the people in the community when death occur.
The Al-muwassat was established in the late nineties by a number of volunteers of different group, namely our respected elders and active youngsters who gathered together in accordance with the following verse of the Quran.
The sprit of collaboration to help support our community. Financially and in whatever mean possible has been the drive behind its establishment.
Al-muwassat endeavours to be the shoulder you can lean on, so at the time of mourning, the matters is left to take the load off your mind and see all necessary matters through to completion.
Al-muwassat was established in response to the hardships our community faced in the beginning of our years in the UK. Its aim to support the community when death occur.
The service provided by Al-Muwassat are:
– To complete the burial procedure as soon as referral has been made.
-To contact the relevant official bodies in the hospital, local authority in order to obtain the necessary death and burial certificates.
-To contact necessary organisation /agency to start the burial procedures.
-To bear the complete cost of the burial process in order to complete the process in the. fastest time possible accordance to Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H).
For more information please contact us on or call us on 02077202508.